润华电缆 走向世界
版权所有:江苏润华电缆股份有限公司 苏ICP备11011011号
Rated voltage(Uo/U):0.6/1KV
Maximum service temperature allowed for coble conductor is90℃ in time of short cicuit (with the duration not exceeding ss).The maxlmum temperature of cable conductor shall not exceed 250℃.
The amblent temperature for cable laying shall not be lower than 0℃; the minimum bending rodilus not less than 15 times of the cable outer diameter.
The low eftective copacitance and the 3-core design ensures befler electro-magnelic compatiolly. Equidistance of cores in intertwist forms a real cocentric struclture.
Strong withstand voitage impact makes the coble copobile of withstanding the pulse voitage at the time of high-speed and frequent freqency Variation.
Excellent shielding performance diminishes the adverse impoct of higher harmonic wave existing in the output of tronsducer. unnercessary to take into account the impact from the electromagnetic coupling in the cable laid nearby
⑦ 低烟无卤阻燃电缆能经受GB/T18380规定的成束燃烧试验且燃烧时的烟浓度符合GB12666.7(IEC1034)的规定,燃烧析出气体水溶液PH值≥4.3。导电率<10us/mm并符合IEC754-2的要求。
The low smoke level and halogen free fire reiardant cables can wllthstand the bundle combustion tests speciltled in G8/T18380 with the density of smoke conforming lo relevont requlrements specified in GB12666.7 [IEC1034).The PH value of the solution from the mixture of water ond gos >4.3.Conductivily< 1Oμs/mm.ond conforming to the relevant requirements specified in IEC754-2
主要技术指标 Main technical performances
项目 Itam | 技术指标 Technical data |
20℃是导体直流电阻 Conductors DC resistance at 20℃ |
符合GB/T3956-1997规定要求 Conforming to relevant requirements specified in GB/T3956-1997 |
试验电压 Test voltage |
3500V/5min |
阻燃性能 Fire retardant performance |
符合GB/T18380-2001规定要求 Conforming to relevant requirements specified in GB/T18380-2001 |
产品型号及名称 Models and names of products
型号 Model No. | 产品名称 Names of Products |
耐温耐候树脂绝缘聚氯乙烯护套屏蔽变频电缆 Heat resistont,anti-wealhering resin insulaled.PVC sheathed.shieided,frequency conversion |
耐温耐候树脂绝缘阻燃聚氯乙烯护套屏蔽变频电缆 Heat resistant anti-weathering,resin insulated,fire retardant,PVC sheathed,frequrncy conversion cable |
耐温耐候树脂绝缘低卤聚氯乙烯护套屏蔽变频电缆 Heat resistant anti-weathering,resin insulated,low halogen level,PVC sheathed,shielded,frequrncy conversion cable |
耐温耐候树脂绝缘无卤聚烯烃护套屏蔽变频电监 Heat resistant anti-weathering,resin insulated,halogen free,polyolefin sheathed,shielede,frequrncy conversion cable |
规格及载流量 Specifications and carrying capacity
① 3+3型 3+3model
规格 Specifications |
电缆计算外径 (mm) Calcuated outerdiameter |
电缆计算重量 (kg/km) calculated weight |
载流量(A) crayying capacity |
规格 Specifications |
电缆计算外径 (mm) Calcuated outerdiameter |
电缆计算重量 (kg/km) calculated weight |
载流量(A) crayying capacity |
3*1.5+3*.025 | 10.3 | 140 | 18 | 3*35+3*6 | 29.6 | 1720 | 135 |
3*2.5+3*0.5 | 12.0 |
220 |
26 | 3*50+3*10 | 35.4 | 2398 | 155 |
3*4+3*0.75 | 14.0 | 325 | 34 | 3*70+3*10 | 41.0 | 3060 | 207 |
3*6+3*1 | 15.5 | 420 | 44 | 3*95+3*16 | 44.2 | 4155 | 250 |
3*10+3*1.5 | 19.5 | 620 | 51 | 3*120+3*16 | 50.0 | 5075 | 292 |
3*16+3*2.5 | 22.6 | 820 | 82 | 3*150+3*25 | 56.0 | 5150 | 335 |
3*25+3*4 | 28.7 | 1330 | 108 | 3*185+3*35 | 73.0 | 7980 | 410 |
② 3芯型 3mode
规格 Specifications |
屏蔽层截面(mm2) Sectional area of the shielding layer |
规格 Specifications |
屏蔽层截面(mm2) Sectional area of the shielding layer |
规格 Specifications |
屏蔽层截面(mm2) Sectional area of the shielding layer |
3*1.5+1*1.0 | 1.0 | 3*16+1*10 | 10 | 3*95+1*50 | 50 |
3*2.5+1*1.5 | 1.5 | 3*25+1*16 | 16 | 3*120+1*70 | 70 |
3*4+1*2.5 |
2.5 | 3*35+1*16 | 16 | 3*150+1*70 | 70 |
3*6+1*4 | 4 | 3*50+1*25 | 25 | 3*185+1*95 | 95 |
3*10+1*6 | 6 | 3*70+0*35 | 35 | 3*240+1*120 | 120 |
型号说明 Model Explanation
项目 Item | 代号 Code | 说明 Note |
系列代号 Series code |
变频电缆 Frequency conversion cable |
绝缘及屏蔽 Frequency canversion cable |
耐温、耐候绝缘铜丝及铜带屏蔽 Heat resistant,anti-weathering,insulated copper wire and tape shielded |
护套 Sheath |
省略 |
非阻燃护套 Non-fire retardant sheath |
Z |
阻燃护套 Nfire retardant sheath |
D |
低卤低烟护套 Low hasogen and loe smoke level shrath |
W |
无卤低烟护套 Halogen free and low smoke level shrath |
表示方法 Denotation
例:铜芯耐温候树脂绝缘低卤聚氯乙烯护套屏蔽变频电缆0.6/1KV 3×95+3×16表示为:HRBL-PEOXD0.6/1KV3×95+3×16
Example: Copper core. anti-weothering ond heoth resistant, resin Insuloted.low hologen, PVC sheathed,shielded frequency conversion cable0.6/lKV 3×95+3× 16 is expressed as: HRBL-PEOXD 0.6/IKV 3×95+3×16
交货长度 Cable length for delivery
In delivery. the each piece of short coble sholl be not less than 100m long with the totai amount of such short cables not exces ing 20% of delvery.